Black + three sizes of cigarette clamps (thick, medium, thin) + 200ML gas
Black 【Dual Fuel】 +200 Gas
Black 【Foldable Gyro】 +200 Gas
Black 【Non-replaceable cigarette holder】 + 200ML gas
Black 【Style 3】 +200 gas
Black【Style 4】+200 gas
Bronze【Style 4】+200 gas
Colorful + thick, medium, and thin 3 smoke clips + 200ML gas
Default black optional + large gift box + 3 cigarette holders + 200ML
Default black optional + waist holster + 3 smoke clips + 200ML
Desert Yellow + three cigarette holders: coarse, medium, and fine + 200ML gas
Desert Yellow 【Non-replaceable filter】 + 200ML gas
Golden 【Dual-use Gas and Electric】 +200 gas
Silver 【Dual Use Gas & Electricity】 +200 Gas
Silver【Style 4】+200 gas
White 【Foldable Top】 +200 Gas
【Laser Customization】Color Selection + 3 Cigarette Holders + 200ML Gas